Oakfield Park
Set in a slight valley surrounded by residential areas Oakfield Park is divided into four areas the main sports field; McGoverns’ Meadow, a woodland and the Allotment Gardens. The Park is owned and managed by the Parish Council
A number of Dartford Cricket Club’s teams play at the Park which is also the base for Dartford Royals Football Club. Oakfield Community Primary School use the Park for its Sports Days and Cross Country Run. The Park has children’s play equipment as well as adult outdoor gym equipment whilst at various points around the Woodland Trail other pieces of equipment can be found.
Wilmington Parish Office is situated in the Pavilion which is also used for weekly Yoga Sessions and is the venue for weekly ‘Singing for the Brain’ sessions – a valuable service provided by ADSS for sufferers of Alzheimers and Dementia. A number of other Clubs also use the Pavilion for functions.
Parking is located via the Oakfield Park Road entrance to the Park which is open from 8.00am until 8.00 during the Summer but closes at 4.00pm during the Winter. There are however a number of pedestrian entrances from various points around the Park.
Anyone wishing to enquire about hiring the Pavilion should contact the Parish Clerk by telephoning 01322 221149 or by e-mail to clerk-wpc@outlook.com